sexta-feira, julho 08, 2005

8 de Julho

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
July 8 is the 189th day of the year (190th in leap years) in the Gregorian Calendar, with 176 days remaining.

1099 - First Crusade: 15,000 starving Christian soldiers march in religious procession around Jerusalem as its Muslim defenders mocked them.
1497 - Vasco da Gama sets sail on first direct European voyage to India.
1709 - Battle of Poltava: Peter I of Russia defeats Charles XII of Sweden at Poltava thus effectively ending Sweden's role as a major power in Europe.
1889 - The first issue of the Wall Street Journal is published.
1932 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average reaches its lowest level of the Great Depression, bottoming out at 41.22.
1947 - Reports are broadcast that a UFO has crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico.
1969 - IBM CICS is made generally available for the 360 mainframe computer
2000 - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the fourth book in J.K. Rowling's hugely popular Harry Potter series, is published.

1545 - Don Carlos of Spain, son of Philip II of Spain (d. 1568)
1621 - Jean de la Fontaine, French writer (d. 1695)
1836 - Joseph Chamberlain, British politician (d. 1914)
1838 - Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin, German inventor (d. 1917)
1839 - John D. Rockefeller, American businessman and philanthropist (d. 1937)
1851 - Arthur Evans, English archaeologist (d. 1941)
1882 - Percy Grainger, Australian composer (d. 1961)
1908 - Nelson A. Rockefeller, Vice President of the United States (d. 1979)
1918 - Craig Stevens, American actor (d. 2000)
1933 - Marty Feldman, English comedian and actor (d. 1982)
1935 - Steve Lawrence, American entertainer and singer
1935 - Vitali Sevastyanov, cosmonaut
1951 - Anjelica Huston, American actress
1958 - Kevin Bacon, American actor
1961 - Andy Fletcher, musician (Depeche Mode)
1961 - Toby Keith, American country music singer
1970 - Beck, American singer
1982 - Eu

3 comentários:

M disse...

não é informação supérfula, é para afagar o ego :) - principalmente os russos a derrotarem os suecos mas, sim, eu hei-de libertar-me disso, eheh.

Anónimo disse...

és mesmo tu. falas, falas, falas, falas e falas mais um bocado.
mas diz-me: pq é q somos tão fofos qd nascemos e depois tranformamo-nos em monstrengos?... ah! espera lá! isso é só na minha família...
parabéns minha tontinha.

meg disse...

oops! só mesmo devido à minha curiosidade é que me apercebi que fizeste anos... ao coscuvilhar o teu blog.
bom, muitos parabéns...(com três dias de atraso)